Express Course for OET Reading

This course features 20 premium OET Express Reading videos! You can enrol and preview some of these videos completely FREE!

What does the course contain?

A full series of videos in which the teacher asks a simple yet important question about OET Reading and then goes on to answer that question as directly and clearly as possible. SET teachers are PREMIUM PROVIDERS of OET, which means that they have been trained by OET how to teach the exam! They are specialists teachers who work hard to ensure SET student pass the exam.

  • 20 OET Classes: SET have provided 24 official OET speaking videos for you to enjoy! They are packed full of useful advice and tips for the OET Exam.

  • Key Questions: In each video the teacher addresses key questions relating to the exam on such topics as: How do I do Reading Part A?

  • Clear Answers: Once the teacher has posed the question, he tries to answer it clearly and directly including tips, tricks and advice along the way.

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